
Rocket Families and Students,

As you are likely aware, a solar eclipse will be visible in our area on Monday, April 8, 2024. Events such as these are rare and provide a teachable moment for our learning community. On Monday, Limestone faculty, staff, and students will pause classes temporarily to view the eclipse. We are excited to witness the eclipse and share this unique learning experience with our students.

As always, safety is our top priority for students and staff. We have acquired NASA approved viewing glasses for all students and staff who would like to participate in viewing the eclipse. As of today, the peak viewing period for our immediate area will be from approximately 1:50pm – 2:10pm. During this time, students and staff will receive glasses and go outside for viewing. In accordance with recommended safety practices, it is important and required that all those participating wear their glasses the entire time we are outside.

All students will be closely monitored and reminded of the safety measures needed, but we encourage you to take some time to discuss with your student the importance of keeping their safety glasses on at all times while outside. For additional information about the solar eclipse, please check the following links: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/where-when/ or www.eclipse2024.org.

If you would prefer your student not participate in viewing the eclipse, they will be asked to report to the cafeteria for a supervised study hall during the viewing period. If you have any questions, please contact the Principal’s office.

Keith Brown, Principal

Limestone Community High School