October marks the beginning of Pre-Registration for the Class of 2029 incoming freshmen (current 8th graders in our feeder schools). The correct registration is dependent upon whether the parent has ever had a LCHS Skyward Family Access account (including graduated or current students).
During Pre-Registration you will be asked to enter
full student information (legal name, birthdate, and demographics)
family/guardian information (including address and phone contact information as well as second family information, if applicable)
medical/dental information (allergy, medical conditions, physician and dentist names)
emergency contact information (persons in addition to guardians if we are unable to reach guardians)
bus request form
To begin student registration, please click on one of the following buttons:
(1) If parent has previously been registered in LCHS Skyward Family Access as a parent or step-parent, click below:
(2) If new parent to LCHS Skyward Family Access, click below: