
The mission of Moms Who Care is, "helping students achieve success at Limestone Community High School." However, this fails to capture the tremendous impact Moms Who Care has on the students and families in the greater Limestone community.  When someone has basic needs such as food, clothing, personal hygiene, schools supplies, etc., it is difficult to focus on education.  That's where Moms Who Care steps in.   

Through community support and partnerships, and countless volunteers, Moms Who Care has been helping students and families by providing essential needs.  As posted on the Moms Who Care: Limestone Community High School Facebook page, "Moms Who Care is blessed by our community that supports us through donations of food, school supplies, personal hygiene items, and teenager clothing."

More recently, the organization shared, "one of the many highlights from yesterday’s (10/6/2022) distribution, we were able to send students home with a bag of groceries. This is in addition to our non perishable snacks we regularly have available. We’re grateful to Midwest Food Bank for the ability to provide food for our students. Plus we had clothes, school supplies, and personal hygiene items for those in need as well. So many great blessings for our students. Thank you to all. You are making a difference for these students—so needed and appreciated."

Moms Who Care Donations can be dropped off at Limestone High School on days/times school is in session at the school’s Welcome Center—entrance off the student parking lot by the cafeteria (Door 14). 

If you have questions, feel free to message us through our Facebook page, email us at momswhocarelimestone@gmail.com, or call Mr. Brown at the high school—our school liaison— at 697-6271 for more information.

Also, if you wish to enroll a student in our program, contact the school’s guidance office for more information. We are here to serve any student in need so enrolling is easy and hassle free.